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Here, you will find my recent posts across different categories. If you would like to see a list of all the pages on this site, head to the archive.



Interesting things, websites, places, etc.

SoME #2

Grant Sanderson of 3b1b is back this year with Summer of Math Exposition

Zero Shadow Day

An interesting phenomenon that occurs only twice a year (or maybe not at all depending on where you live)

Dev articles

On GameDev, WebDev, and Linux

I broke my Arch System

I updated my Arch system, and all I would get is a black screen. I fixed it by rebuilding some AUR packages.


Cycling and Walking


Delicious, easy-to-make recipes

Starfruit Sandwich

A delicious juicy sandwich with a variety of tastes and textures that is also easy to make.



Head-scratchers and mind-benders


Some limericks, mostly haikus


Gripping tales of awe and wonder

The Errand

A story about a knight who awakes to find himself in the woods.


Handwritten, Handdrawn, Handpainted



New issues every once in a while

2023 W42: Shadow of the Moon

It is the 42th week of the year! In this issue, you learn about my new poems, comics, and a French essay on my site. Also included are links to pictures of the solar eclipse and some interesting YouTube videos.

2023 W18: Chai and Why?

Some details on the science outreach event tomorrow that I am helping organize, as well as my first paper on arXiv

À propos de moi

Short essays written by me in French

On commence...

Ma première nouvelle en français, où je vous dis un peu de moi et de mon université.


Byte-sized posts

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