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Here, you will find my recent posts across different categories. If you would like to see a list of all the pages on this site, head to the archive.


Interesting things, websites, places, etc.

Of Mice and Men

My thoughts on the novella Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

On commence...

Ma première nouvelle en français, où je vous dis un peu de moi et de mon université.


Some limericks, mostly haikus


Head-scratchers and mind-benders


Delicious, easy-to-make recipes


Cycling and Walking


Handwritten, Handdrawn, Handpainted


New issues every once in a while

2023 W42: Shadow of the Moon

It is the 42th week of the year! In this issue, you learn about my new poems, comics, and a French essay on my site. Also included are links to pictures of the solar eclipse and some interesting YouTube videos.

2023 W18: Chai and Why?

Some details on the science outreach event tomorrow that I am helping organize, as well as my first paper on arXiv


Gripping tales of awe and wonder

The Errand

A story about a knight who awakes to find himself in the woods.

Dev articles

On GameDev, WebDev, and Linux

I broke my Arch System

I updated my Arch system, and all I would get is a black screen. I fixed it by rebuilding some AUR packages.

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